


William Grant Still Music
& The Master-Player Library



Just Tell the Story: Troubled Island
Book Release! September 2006
This is the first time that the full story about the historical production of William Grant Still's opera, Troubled Island,
has been told through original source material from the personal estate
of William Grant Still and Verna Arvey, including letters and diary
entries by the composer and his family, statements from prominent
critics of the time, summaries of letters from Langston Hughes, the Metropolitan Opera Company, the New York City Center, and the United States State Department, and other entities.
This is an unprecendented historical publication! |
The book is
wonderfully handsome in all regards! It is expansive and
intensive ... For many reasons, not all musical or racial, this
is an important addition to the literature.
Wow! Powerful is not the word. The book is a tour de force. I can't put it down!
I have read the
book. We can all be very proud. Not only is it a noteworthy contribution
to the literature, but it lays the groundwork for future research in
not only music, but also social studies.
The book is
beautifully produced and impressive. As for the critics, they
were a generally sorry bunch at that time and they strike me as largely
unqualified to discuss any music at all, let alone William Grant
Still's. Troubled Island was fighting a battle on several
fronts. I'd like to think that we're all big boys now, past
throwing stones at each other and shoving each other off the sidewalk.
The book is a
treasure and I hope it becomes a blockbuster and [a] must-read for music
and black cultural scholars around the world.
...a handsome production...
The book is beautiful! I'm just in love with it! It's beautiful. It's rich. |
